As I sit in yet another airport with time to reflect on my life, my friends, my favorite meals, and my favorite episode of It's Always Sunny… "The Night Man Cometh," I am reminded that I have not told the story of San Diego.
So maybe I was in San Diego on Good Friday, maybe that was three weeks ago, and maybe for once my friend "Leather Crocs" Steith could show a little grace. Hmm?
There's something inherently cool about playing a fly date. Especially this one! What I did was the equivalent of flying somewhere to watch a movie and then fly back home. It made me feel like Bon Jovi or Van Halen (I just couldn't think anyone who exudes such coolness).
Technically we were in Ranch Santa Fe, but that's basically San Diego (named by the French for the whale's…). The other cool part of a show like this is having time to kill since most of the gear is not provided by the performers, which means very little load-in time. Here are some pictures of a couple of things we did to pass the time:
Went to the beach, saw a dead seal. |
I love to play music! I really do. But the ride to the airport far out-weighed the feeling of playing drums on this particular night. I'll let the picture speak for itself, but you should know that it's an odd feeling to ride to the airport in a car with a roll cage.
Alas, there's almost always something that attempts to interject sadness or fear when things are going great. Do not fret!! Neither of these got me down. My personal bubble had been deemed by G.W. Bush (played by Will Ferrell, of course) a "bummer-free zone." |
It's hard not to let a shoe blowout get you down. |
The kind of plane maintenance that makes you feel good. |